SERIES : Strawberry on the shortcake EPISODES : 3 to 5 ORIGINATING COUNTRY : Japan EXTRA NOTES : RAW captures - 307 caps (episode 3) - 303 caps (episode 4) - 442 caps (episode 5)
SERIES : Strawberry on the shortcake EPISODES : 1 and 2 ORIGINATING COUNTRY : Japan EXTRA NOTES : RAW Captures 445 captures (Episode 1), 343 captures (Episode 2)
SERIES: Strawberry on the shortcake (S.O.S.) EPISODE: 05 ORIGINATING COUNTRY: Japan EXTRA NOTES: Strawberry on the shortcake was a pretty nice jdrama. If you want to know more about it go here! You might know some of the actores already ^^ I knew a lot of them :) E.g. Takizawa Hideaki or Kobozuka Yosuke and of course Ishida YurikoWell for some
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